Friday 24 April 2009

London Town

OK, I know a lot of people been waiting for me to tell them how London is & shyt...
Imma keep it 100! & Give everyone the SCOOP
Ight, here it goes:
The food is basically the same. They just eat a lot more foreign stuff out here
due to their geographical setting & colonising of HELLA countries.
The people are not like New Yorkers. They have a LARGE variety in a way...
To sum it all up: Some are assholes, but most of dem are COOL PEOPLE
The money is wassup out here, cuz the exchange rate right now is like £1-$1.77
Skool out here is crazy though
Dun relle got time to sit here & type out the structure
But for the most part, we have difefrent freedoms, but I feel they have it betta skool wise

A few things I HATE about this place though:
Everything shuts down at like 6-10... Can I say DEAD SEX?!
Partys aint as LIVE as NY partyz
& some of the teachers piss me off!
To ofset the things I HATE, Here are
A few things I LOVE about this place:
But yeah besides that, I like the fashion sense out here
Most people out here dress like us in the U.S.
I can't say that!
People I chyll with dress like us in the U.S.

But yeah... anyway I'm bored, tired & dun really got much 2 say, I'll put out a video soon
& tell yah like that
But yeah...
Here are a few pix of London & shyt...

Westminister... Parliament & stuff...


Me & mys sisters @ Buckingham Palace... U know... Chyllen n shyt w/ the queen

The London Busses in a round-about

1 comment:

  1. Haha, cool shit I loved your analysis of London.

    These lines were mad funny to me:

    The food is basically the same. They just eat a lot more foreign stuff out here
    due to their geographical setting & colonising of HELLA countries.

    and also

    Everything shuts down at like 6-10... Can I say DEAD SEX?!
